Hyper Landscape
Grand Prize
Seoul Urban Design 2013
International Idea Competition
Location : Seoul, South Korea
Design Period : September, 2013
Design Team: Jinhyun Jun, Minkyung Song, Kangil Ji,
Open Ended Program: Waterway as a generator of new urbanity
New set of urban activities on Jemulpo-road Park are not designed in arbitrary ways, but will be determined following to the geographical features of the site. We propose waterway as a generator of new urban activities and urbanity for the sustainable, resilient future of the site.
As shown on the old map of Seoul, Jemulpo-road and an adjacent area used to be the main floodplain of the region, which is connected to numerous sub-streams. This feature of the site gives us a concrete idea for its future: a landscape of stream, agency of urban integration.
but connected to the city.: sub-stream that are collected on the site. Based on that, new activities on Jemulpo-road Park can be actively changed as a response to the environment: the amount of precipitation, sunlight, and temperature, while physically integrating isolated urban fabrics. In addition, it can be a good solution to chronic flooding of the region, as increased green field and retention n pool can serve the function of an urban reservoir. Also, collected water flows to the Anyang-stream by using natural slope, together with the aqueduct attached to the underground tunnel. major infrastructure of the Jemulpo-road Park is no inside the park,The